When the judge summed up, it was clear he wanted a guilty verdict 当法官作结案陈词时,他明显想作出有罪裁决。
The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict 陪审团一致作出了有罪裁决。
The Inner Mongolia Higher People's Court finds Hugjiltu's original guilty verdict* is not consistent with the facts and there is insufficient evidence, the court in Hohhot said in a statement. 内蒙古最高人民法院发现呼格吉勒图最初的有罪判决和事实并不一致,而且存在证据不足,呼和浩特法院在一份声明中说道。
After the March 7 guilty verdict, which came a year after Mr. Anwar was initially acquitted of the sodomy charges, Mr. Anwar said he would begin planning another campaign to bring his cause to Malaysia's people. 安瓦尔最初被判决鸡奸指控罪名不成立,但在一年后的3月7日,又被判决罪名成立。他表示,将开始计划新的竞选活动,向马来西亚民众宣传他的理想。
In 2008, an English jury returned a not guilty verdict on six Greenpeace members who caused £ 30,000 of damage to a power station owned by Eon, the German energy group, because they objected to plans to build a coal-powered generating plant on the site. 2008年,绿色和平组织的6名成员因反对德国能源集团Eon在英国兴建一座燃煤发电站计划,给该公司旗下一座发电站造成3万英镑损失,被判无罪。
New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict. 新的证据引起了人们对于判决有罪的怀疑。
As for the banking system, the popular jury has issued its guilty verdict long ago. 至于银行业体系,大众陪审团很久之前就做出了有罪判决。
He was found guilty, but the verdict was quashed on appeal. 他被判有罪,但是这裁决在上诉后被撤销了。
Nine days after the guilty verdict, someone drove a pick-up truck through the glass doors of the DA's office at high speed, then backed up and roared off. 在这场有罪裁定过去九天之后,一名不明身份的人员驾驶了一辆卡车以极高的速度撞毁了当地的律师事务的玻璃墙,之后倒车呼啸而去。
To find someone guilty or to return a verdict of guilty or to return a guilty verdict 裁定某人有罪或裁决有罪或定罪
Last week's guilty verdict has brought no illumination for foreign companies worried that they too could find themselves violating ill-defined Chinese secrecy laws, writes William MacNamara. 上周力拓案的有罪判决并没有给外国公司带来任何启示。它们担忧,可能会发现自己也违反了中国定义不明确的保密法。
She took her case to the court of appeal but the guilty verdict was upheld. 她把她案件呈现交给上诉法院,但是法院维持有罪的判决。
"If I were guilty I'd accept the verdict," Hoffman told Leibowitz desperately. 如果我犯了罪,我会接受判决。霍夫曼走投无路地对雷保维兹说。
She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out. 当有罪判决在被宣读时,她不动声色地听着。
With a guilty verdict likely, Nature asked HIV/ AIDS experts to assess a Libyan doctors'report that has been key to the prosecution's case. 这些被告很可能被判有罪。《自然》杂志请艾滋病专家评估了案件使用的来自一位利比亚医生的报告,这份报告是控方证据的关键。
The verdict is not likely to be announced for days or even weeks, but the vast majority of cases that reach trial in China result in a guilty verdict. 判决结果可能要过几天、甚至几周才会宣布,但在中国,开庭的绝大多数案件都会做出有罪判决。
A guilty verdict is always possible. 总是有可能作出有罪的判决。
Mr Cohen may be innocent of insider trading, or he may be guilty, but a verdict should be reached in court. 科恩可能是清白的,也可能从事了内幕交易,但这应该由法庭判决。
Pending detention is refers to the court before the guilty verdict in law should be presumed innocent of the crime suspect, defendant in custody, in order to ensure the smooth conduct of criminal activity the important means. 未决羁押是指在法院有罪判决生效前对法律上应视为无罪的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人予以羁押,是为了保证刑事诉讼活动顺利进行的重要手段。
If the court recognizes the defendant guilty, it should pronounce guilty verdict at court. 如果认定被告人构成犯罪,法庭需当庭作出有罪裁决。